On May 10, 2013, the students from Tourism Management of our department had a totally different class. Under the guidance of Miss Yang, they experienced the “guide”. The class of Professional English was still in the campus, but what made it different was that they had it out of the classroom. At nine oclock, the students gathered at the gate of the old campus. Later, they introduced in detail 8 spots in the campus according to the route arranged in advance both in Chinese and English, including the Library, the Teaching Buildings, the Swimming Pool, and the Music Hall and so on. The students combined their specialized knowledge with this activity in this bilingual introduction, presenting a different presentation. Through this presentation, the students not only gained a better understanding of our campus, but had a new idea about “what is a guide” and “how to be a guide”. Therefore, the word “guide” is no more abstract. In addition, their ability of oral expression was greatly improved. Furthermore, the most important is that this activity stimulated their learning interests and enthusiasm; hence, they love the campus and their major more than before.
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